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One Gospel (OG) combines the stories of the four Gospels of Jesus Christ - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - into one complete narrative.  This free online book can be accessed from the Books page.  The OG integration maintains the integrity of the Gospels by placing actual verses from the four Gospels in chronological order to form a single account of Jesus’ life. While no words have been added, each verse from all Gospel accounts has not been used due to overlap in content. However, every opportunity has been taken to include the features that are exclusive to each Gospel account.  The One Gospel project is unique in that the original order of events is maintained throughout the Gospels of Luke and John.
Cover OG.png

One Gospel is not designed to be a substitute for the four individual accounts of the Gospel; however, integration of the four Gospels brings elements to certain stories of Jesus’ life that may otherwise be missed while studying the Gospels independently. Prayerfully, the chronological integration of the Gospels will assist in knowing the certainty of the things we have been taught (Luke 1:1-4). 


One Gospel is presented in several versions of the Bible. Go to the Books page and choose the desired version to read.  Please send an email to for the next version of One Gospel you would like added to this site (English only).

This site provides a side-by-side rendering of the four Gospels on the Parallel page. The Mapping page provides a table to link the OG verses to the original Gospels. A search function is also available to help find specific verses within One Gospel.

If you would like to support our work, please click here for ways to donate.

The chronological order of the parables in One Gospel

1- Parable: New Patch, Old Garment / New Wine, Old Wineskins
2- Parable: Correct Self Before Advising Others
3- Parable: Wise and Foolish Builders
4- Parable: Farmer Sows Seed on Different Types of Soil
5- Parable: Put a Lamp on a Stand
6- Parable: The Kingdom of God is Like Growing Seed
7- Parable: Enemy Sows Weeds Among the Wheat
8- Parable: The Kingdom of God is Like Treasure Hidden in a Field
9- Parable: The Kingdom of God is Like a Net That Catches All Kinds of Fish
10- Parable: The Good Shepherd and His Sheep
11- Parable: That Which Defiles Comes Out of the Mouth
12- Parable: Found the Lost Sheep #1
13- Parable: The Kingdom of God is Like a King Who Accounts With His Servants
14- Parable: The Good Samaritan Neighbor
15- Parable: Sign of Jonah
16- Parable: Watch Out For the Yeast of the Pharisees
17- Parable: Storing Up for Yourself, But Not Rich Toward God
18- Parable: Be Ready When the Master Comes
19- Parable: Bear Fruit or Perish
20- Parable: The Kingdom of God is Like a Mustard Seed
21- Parable: The Kingdom of God is Like Yeast Mixed Throughout the Dough
22- Parable: Enter Through the Narrow Door
The Kingdom of God is Like a Mustard Seed
Gospel Parable
23- Parable: Places of Honor at the Table
24- Parable: Invitation to the Great Banquet
25- Parable: Cost of Being a Disciple
26- Parable: Found the Lost Sheep #2
27- Parable: Found the Lost Coin
28- Parable: Found the Lost Son
29- Parable: The Shrewd Manager
30- Parable: Lazarus and the Rich Man
31- Parable: Unworthy Servants
32- Parable: Persistent Widow and the Judge
33- Parable: Prayer of the Pharisee and Tax Collector
34- Parable: Hard for the Rich to Enter the Kingdom of God
35- Parable: Workers in the Vineyard
36- Parable: Servants and the Minas
37- Parable: Two Sons Respond to the Father Differently
38- Parable: Tenants and the Servants
39- Parable: The Kingdom of God is Like a Wedding Banquet
40- Parable: Leaves of the Fig Tree 
41- Parable: Master Will Come When Not Expected
42- Parable: The Kingdom of God Will Be Like Ten Virgins
43- Parable: Servants and the Bags of Gold
44- Parable: The Sheep and the Goats

The chronological order of the miracles in One Gospel


1- Miracle: Servants and the Bags of Gold

2- Miracle: The birth of John the Baptist

3- Miracle: The birth of Jesus

4- Miracle: Turning water into wine

5- Miracle: Healing the royal official's son

6- Miracle: Driving out an impure spirit

7- Miracle: Heals Peter's mother-in-law

8- Miracle: Heals many with various diseases

9- Miracle: Disciples caught such a large number of fish that nets began to break

10- Miracle: Cleans a man with Leprosy

11- Miracle: Forgives and heals a paralyzed man

12- Miracle: Healing at the pool of an invalid of thirty-eight years

13- Miracle: Healing a man with a shriveled hand

14- Miracle: Healing every disease and sickness among the people of Galilee

15- Miracle: Healing the centurion's servant

16- Miracle: Raises the widow's son at Nain

17- Miracle: Rebuking the wind and waves

18- Miracle: Sends Legion into herd of pigs

19- Miracle: Healing the daughter of a synagogue leader

20- Miracle: Healing a woman subject to bleeding for twelve years

21- Miracle: Healing two blind men

22- Miracle: Healing a demon-possessed man that could not talk

The chronological order of the miracles in One Gospel

23- Miracle: Feeding five thousand

24- Miracle: Walking on the water

25- Miracle: Teachers of the law do not stone woman caught in adultery

26- Miracle: Healing a man born blind (Pool of Siloam)

27- Miracle: Healing woman's daughter with an impure spirit

28- Miracle: Healing man who was deaf and mute

29- Miracle: Feeding four thousand

30- Miracle: Healing a blind man at Bethsaida

31- Miracle: The Transfiguration

32- Miracle: Healing a boy possessed by an impure spirit (that disciples could not)

33- Miracle: Coin from the mouth of a fish

34- Miracle: Healing a crippled woman of eighteen years

35- Miracle: Healing ten men who had leprosy

36- Miracle: A blind beggar receives his sight at Jericho

37- Miracle: Two blind men receive their sight at Jericho

38- Miracle: Lazarus is raised from the dead

39- Miracle: A fig tree is withered

40- Miracle: Restoring servant's ear that was cut off

41- Miracle: Resurrection of Jesus

42- Miracle: Disciples catch 153 fish

43- Miracle: The ascension of Jesus

Resurrection of Jesus
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One Gospel supports 3 Bible versions:

Amplified Bible (AMP)

Christian Standard Bible (CSB)

King James Version (KJV)

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(English only)

© 2021-2023 by One Gospel, LLC


(919) 390-3373


Wake Forest, NC 27587

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